It has taken one hundred years to get started, but here I am, right in the thick of it. Methinks learning should never have numbers after it. Afterall, if one can seduce, write a memoir, file books for a Count who spends most of his time slurping pea soup; then one can do
anything. And
anything includes creating a brilliant blog.
Blog. The word rhymes with...oh dear, I was about to slide down a tunnel called don't-go-there.
Beginning something, focusing on the brand new, brings fear. But why should that be? Let this be a ride, a discovery, and let's hope Butler Bradley appears any minute now to offer me a sponge cake stuffed with cream while I type and consider the importance of
trying. There is no time to cling to curtains, old furniture that smells good, or what could have been. It's time to water the keyboard, to wiggle (oh,
wiggle is such a shitty little word) the mouse, to wake up the senses.